Meet artist Warren Muller. His studio, Bahdeebahdu is located in Philadelphia. He has been creating illuminated sculptures out of re purposed material for many, many years. His work can be seen in the Guggenheim Museum in New York City , the Dallas Fort Worth Museum , countless restaurants and buildings in New York, Philadelphia and even the Bat Bar in Japan.
Former education director of the Museum of Modern Art, Phillip Yenawine describes Warren's work:
"A glance is all it takes. We grin and think, never saw anything like that before..
The way Frank Gehry has reshaped our expectations of buildings, Muller has exploded the notion of look and function of lighting."
I so enjoyed working with Warren. We had a lot of fun searching through his wonderful, odd, old, shiny, collection of flea market finds.Once selected, he starts to assemble and magic happens.
Below are examples of his work, enjoy!
A look at how Muller's sculptures read in living spaces

Brooms never looked so good
A close up of Warren's newest work for the Sherle Wagner showroom
in Los Angeles. Look at the swan faucet!
This is a vintage jeep that hangs in the Philadelphia Cruise Ship Terminal's Naval Yard. It weighs over a ton.
Reception desk at Bahdeebahdu. portrait is made entirely of one tread and straight pins.
this is a close up of the front of the desk above. you are looking at ephemera and toys painted white
Lastly, here is a photo of Warren and Yours Truly standing below our collaboration in his studio this past summer.
To read older design blogs, go to and go to the archives on the right. Also, stay tuned for the next blog which will feature a different kind of art. It will also be sculpture, but the materials used are VEGETABLES!